Submitting an Incident
The incident life cycle begins with a submitted incident. ChangeGear provides several ways to create and submit new incidents. You can create incidents through ChangeGear's Incident form on the Web, or by e-mailing an address set up by your ChangeGear administrator. Some fields are automatically completed when the form is opened for the first time or when the e-mail is processed by ChangeGear. Certain fields are required before an incident can be submitted or saved as a draft.
Tip: For instructions on submitting tickets through e-mail, see Submitting Tickets via E-mail.
You can elect to save the incident and return to it later without submitting it. This is referred to as the Unsubmitted work flow stage. Begin by creating a new incident and entering as much information as possible, then click the Save as draft button in the group menu. You must click Submit to enter the incident in ChangeGear.
If you edit a ticket without saving, you are prompted to save when you close the ticket.
Tip: You can create a new ticket within the form. The new ticket appears in the same web browser as the Incident you are editing. If you have any unsaved changes, you must save before creating a new ticket.
To submit an incident:
On the Service Catalog page, click Report an Incident.
- OR -
Navigate to the Incident tab and click New in the toolbar.
Fill out the Incident Form. Required fields are labeled in red.
Click Submit.